Samco's Site Policy
The Samco website (“Website” hereinafter) is operated by Samco Inc. (“Samco” hereinafter). Before using this Website, please read and consent to the following usage conditions. Please be aware that Site Policy and related regulations may change without prior notice.
1. Disclaimer
Samco does not provide any guarantee whatsoever regarding the accuracy, usefulness, completeness of the information that appears on this Website. Samco also does not guarantee that the content of the information posted on this website is suitable for your use. The safety (interruption of functions, correction of defects, absence of computer viruses, and other harmful substances) is not guaranteed on this Website or server. We are not responsible for any use or failure of the use of this information, or any damage caused by the use of this Website. Samco may change the information appearing on this Website without prior notice.
2. Linking to this Website
In principle, linking to this Website is permitted from any commercial or non-commercial purpose. Please contact when you link it. However, a link to this Website is prohibited on any website that falls into, or may be categorized, as any of the following.
- Websites that include content intended to slander or injure the reliability of Samco, another company (or individual), or another organization.
- Websites that engage in or may possibly engage in conduct that infringes upon the intellectual property rights, such as copyrights or trademark rights, or assets, privacy, right of portrait, or any other rights of Samco, another company (or individual), or another organization.
- Websites that make it unclear that the displayed content is Samco content or have the possibility of misrepresenting to a third party through a method such as displaying this Website within a frame (Samco requests that you set links to this Website so that either the browser window changes completely to the destination page or the destination page opens up in a new browser window).
In addition to the above, any website which engages in conduct that violates laws and ordinances, including acts, regulations, or rules, or goes against generally accepted rules of morality or conduct that interferes with the operation of this Website’s service. Samco does not authorize the posting of links using registered trademarks, such as logos and marks owned by Samco, without permission. Samco does not allow the posting of links in such a way as to misidentify the information source. Please be aware that Samco may change the URL for this Website and is not able to send notification to your website.
3. Copyrights & Trademarks
The copyrights to all text, images, logos, photographs, videos and animations, software, and all other information contained in the Website belong to Samco or a third party. You shall not use (including copying, altering, distributing, and sending to the general public) this information without obtaining the prior consent of the copyright owner, unless acceptable under copyright law, such as in the case of private use. Samco products or service names appearing on this Website are Samco trademarks or registered trademarks.